News Flash
31 October
Editorial: Vishal Mayur 

Illuminating the soul: Diwali’s light dispels the shadows within, symbolizing peace, renewal, and self-discovery

Diwali, the festival of lights, celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Traditionally, we honor this by lighting diyas, bursting crackers, and adorning homes with vibrant decorations. But beyond the external celebrations, Diwali offers a unique opportunity for inner reflection—a time to confront and burn our own inner demons.

Our inner demons often take the form of negative emotions like anger, jealousy, resentment, and fear. These emotions, if left unchecked, cloud our mind and heart, holding us back from true happiness and growth. Diwali encourages us to illuminate not just our homes but also our minds. This festival reminds us to let go of grudges, forgive those who may have wronged us, and make peace with our own imperfections. Just as firecrackers light up the night sky, we too can ignite a spark within ourselves to dispel negativity.

As we light diyas, let us symbolize the removal of darkness from within. Burning our inner demons is a journey toward self-improvement and emotional clarity. This Diwali, let us commit to fostering compassion, understanding, and resilience. Let the flames remind us that, like the flicker of a lamp, we all have an inner light that can banish darkness. In embracing this, we align with the true spirit of Diwali—one that radiates positivity, kindness, and peace within and around us.